Don't you know how to open an unknown file? We will help you.

File extension database

Find extension you are interested in and explore the programs that support it.

    File Extension

    Explore the contents of unknown files

    People who search the Internet resources usually reach when they want to solve one major problem - they cannot open the file with an unknown extension. At our website you will find not only appropriate programs supporting the unknown files - in some cases you will also learn what to do to change the extension of your file so that it will be easier for you to use.

    File extension in a few words

    The file extension "informs" the computer how the information is encoded in the file - on this basis the computer can choose the appropriate program to support it. As a user, you can identify the file extension by a few characters appearing after the last dot in the filename (e.g. FileName.XYZ)

    Use the search engine or alphabetical directory of file extensions. Find the file you are interested in and enjoy the solution to your problem now.