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Alphabetical list - X

File extensions starting with X

X Lex Language Source Code
X-PNG Portable (Public) Network Graphic Bitmap
X01 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X02 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X03 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X04 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X05 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X06 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X07 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X08 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X09 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
X1 X1 Desktop Search Saved Search
X10 X Window Bitmap Dump
X11 X Window System Bitmap Image
X13 Hooligans Game Archive
X20 XTree Gold For Dos Help
X32 Adobe Xtra Format
X3D X3D Format
X3DB X3D Binary Format
X3DV Web3D X3D Graphics Image
X3F Sigma Camera RAW Picture Format
X3G MakerBot MakerWare Document
X40 XtreeGold Dos Help
X4K XML4King Configuration Format
X50 XtreeGold Dos Help
X60 XTree Gold For Dos Help
X64 Commodore 64 Emulator Disk Image
X70 XTree Gold For Dos Help
X80 Xtree Gold Dos Help
X90 XTree Gold For Dos Help
XA Sony PlayStation Audio/video Format
XA0 Xtree Gold Dos Help
XAB Microsoft Outlook Express Address Book
XAC SimCity Societies Game
XAD EXotic ADlib Sound Format
XADD Expression Web Add-in
XADML Amiga Forever XADML
XAF Xml Compatible Animation Format
XAIML XAIML Database Format
XAML Windows Markup File
XAMLX XAMLX Document Format
XAN Worms 3D Map Format
XAP Microsoft Silverlight Application Package Format
XAPPL Virtual Application Studio XML Application Configuration Format
XAR Xara Vector Drawing Format
XARC The Longest Journey Audio
XAS PTC Pro/Engineer Assembly Format
XAV Final Draft AV Document
XAVC Sony XAVC Video Format
XB0 Xtree Gold Dos Help
XBA Basic Module Format
XBAP Microsoft Silverlight Application Package
XBC SMART Notebook Format
XBDOC Xiosis Scribe Document
XBE Xbox Executable Format
XBEL XBEL Bookmarks Format
XBF Emperor Battle For Dune
XBK SMART Notebook Format
XBL Extensible Binding Language Format
XBLR Output Raw XBRL
XBM X Windows System Bitmap Image
XBMML Braille Music Score
XBMP Area 51 Game
XBN Xnick Nick Backup
XBPLATE Xiosis Scribe Template
XBRL Extensible Business Reporting Language
XBSAV Mass Effect 2 For Xbox Saved Game Format
XBT SMART Notebook Template Format
XBX Xbox Icon Or Picture
XC0 Xtree Gold Dos Help
XC3 Cast3D 3D Scene
XCAPPDATA Apple Xcode Application Data Format
XCARCHIVE Xcode Archive
XCCONFIG Apple Xcode Configuration Settings
XCDATAMODEL Xcode Core Data Model Format
XCDATAMODELD Xcode Core Data Model Format
XCEL Microsoft Excel For Mac Spreadsheet
XCF GIMP XCF Bitmap Image Format
XCH LinkAssistant Project Settings
XCI Adobe Reader Font Mapping
XCL XTree For Windows Script
XCM CmapTools Exported Concept Map
XCO Xilinx CORE Generator Log
XCODE Xcode Development Project Format
XCODEPLUGIN Apple Xcode Extension
XCODEPROJ XCode Project Format
XCOF Mac OS Object Library
XCON Conceal Encrypted Data
XCORPUS Xaira Corpora
XCP XLNT Script Command
XCPLUGIN Apple Xcode Extension
XCPLUGINDATA Xcode Plug-in Data
XCR Warlords Battlecry Game
XCSCHEME Apple Xcode Scheme
XCSL CineStyle Color Correction Settings Format
XCSNAPSHOTS Xcode Snapshot
XCT XVI32 Conversion
XCTL LabVIEW XControls
XCU Extension Control Format
XCWORKSPACE Xcode Workspace Format
XD0 XtreeGold Dos Help
XDA Sencha Architect Project
XDB Norton AntiVirus Update Format
XDC Total Commander With DarkCrypt IV Plug-in Encrypted
XDF Externally Defined Function
XDFL XDFL Configuration
XDI WinArchiver Compressed ISO Image Format
XDL MS SQL Server XML Schema Format
XDO Oracle BI Publisher Resource Tracking
XDOC QuarkXPress 3.0 Document
XDOCLET JBoss XDoclet Reference
XDP Acrobat XML Data Package Format
XDR XML Data Reduced Format
XDS LCDStudio Design Format
XDT Win-Test Extra Data
XDU Backdoor.Win32.PcClient.xdu
XDW DocuWorks Document Format
XE0 XtreeGold Dos Help
XEF X-Genics EManager Form Data Format
XEJ Microsoft Expression Encoder Job Format
XEL Microsoft Expression Encoder 3.0 Live Jobs Format
XEM Sybase PowerDesigner Model Definition Format
XEN Activision Guitar Hero 3 Data Format
XENSEARCH XenCenter Saved Search Format
XEO Signwave Auto-Illustrator Extension
XEP EManager File Packing Definition
XEQ Sage MAS 90 Data
XER Primavera Project Management Propriety Exchange Format
XES X-Genics EManager Skins Definition
XESC Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen Capture Format
XET X-Genics EManager Process Definition
XEV X-Genics EManager Auto-update Format
XEVGENXML Adobe Dreamweaver
XEX Xbox 360 Executable Format
XEZ X-Genics EManager Template Package
XFBIN Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
XFC X-Fonter Font Collection
XFD Adobe XFDL Format XML Form Format
XFDF Adobe Acrobat Forms Document
XFF XFRX Database Output
XFI XICE Desktop Encrypted
XFL Adobe Flash Exchange Format
XFM OmniForm XML
XFN Corel Ventura Printer Font
XFO XSL-FO Formatted Form
XFP Microsoft SharePoint Extending Form Library Properties
XFR Ventura Publisher Bitmap Editor Font Format
XFS Gunbound Format
XFT Adobe Form Designer Form
XFZ French FlashCards Vocabulary
XG0 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
XG1 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
XG2 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
XG3 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
XG4 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
XG5 Corel Paradox Secondary Index
XGA Diamond Mind Baseball Game Account Information
XGD Xbox 360 Game Disc Layout
XGLL EASE SpeakerLab Text
XGML Graph Modeling Language XML Format
XGMML XGMML Graph Format
XGO GeoConcept Add-on
XGP Xfire Profile Patcher Game List Format
XGS Disk Image Format
XHB HomeBank Data
XHP Extension Help Format
XHT Extensible HyperText Markup Language Format
XHTM Extensible HTML Format
XHTML Extensible HTML Format
XI Fastracker 2.0 Instrument Format
XIB Apple Interface Builder Format
XIF ScanSoft Pagis Format
XIG XML Instance Generator
XIL Xilize
XILINC Xilize Defintion
XILIZE Xilize Configuration
XIM X11 Xim Toolkit Bitmap
XIN OmniMark Include
XIP Xbox Dashboard
XISE Xilinx ISE Project Format
XIT SpatialAnalyzer
XIT64 SpatialAnalyzer
XIX IIS NNTP Subject Lists
XIZ Ximinez
XJB OEPE JAXB Wizard Bindings
XJT Compressed GIMP Image
XKM X KeyBoard
XL Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Format
XLA Microsoft Excel Add-in Format
XLA5 Microsoft Excel 5 For Mac Add-in
XLA8 Microsoft Excel 98 For Mac Add-in
XLAM Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 Open XML Macro-enabled Add-in Format
XLAMENX Egis Encrypted Excel XLAM
XLA_ Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Add-in
XLB Microsoft Excel Toolbars Format
XLB4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Toolbars
XLB5 Microsoft Excel 5 For Mac Toolbars
XLB8 Microsoft Excel 98 For Mac Toolbars
XLBN Microsoft Excel 1 For Mac Toolbars
XLC Microsoft Excel Chart Format
XLC3 Microsoft Excel 3 For Mac Chart
XLC4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Chart
XLC_ Microsoft Excel 2 For Mac Chart
XLD Microsoft Excel Dialogue Format
XLF XLIFF Document Format
XLG AutoCAD External Reference Log
XLGC ExpressK Database Format
XLI SIEMENS PLM Software NX 7.5 Log
XLIFF XLIFF Localization Format
XLK Microsoft Excel Backup Format
XLL Microsoft Excel Add-in Format
XLL_ Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Add-in
XLM Microsoft Excel Macro Format
XLM3 Microsoft Excel 3 For Mac Macro
XLM4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Macro
XLMV Thunder Mall Video Format
XLMX Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled Spreadsheet
XLM_ Microsoft Excel 2 For Mac Macro
XLNK XML Link Format
XLO Autodesk Inventor Export Journal
XLPF Microsoft Excel For Mac Setting
XLR Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Or Chart Format
XLS Microsoft Excel 97 To 2003 Workbook Format
XLS3 Microsoft Excel 3 For Mac Spreadsheet
XLS4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Spreadsheet
XLS5 Microsoft Excel 5 For Mac Spreadsheet
XLS8 Microsoft Excel 98 For Mac Spreadsheet
XLSB Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 Binary Workbook Format
XLSENX Egis Encrypted Excel XLS
XLSHTML Microsoft Office Excel HTML Document Format
XLSM Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 Open XML Macro-enabled Workbook Format
XLSMHTML Microsoft Excel MIME HTML Spreadsheet Format
XLSX Microsoft Excel 2007, Excel 2010 And Excel 2013 Open XML Workbook Format
XLSXENX Egis Encrypted Excel XLSX
XLS_ Microsoft Excel For Mac Spreadsheet
XLT Microsoft Excel 97 To 2003 Workbook Template Format
XLTHTML Microsoft Office Excel HTML Template Format
XLTM Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 Open XML Macro-enabled Workbook Template Format
XLTX Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 Open XML Workbook Template Format
XLV Microsoft Excel VBA Module Format
XLW Microsoft Excel Workspace Format
XLW3 Microsoft Excel 3 For Mac Workbook
XLW4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Workbook
XLW5 Microsoft Excel 5 For Mac Workbook
XLW_ Microsoft Excel 2 For Mac Workbook
XLXML Microsoft Excel XML Worksheet
XLZ Crossword Power Tools Crossword Library
XM FastTracker 2 Instrument
XMAP XMind 2007/2008 Workbook
XMB Lucas Arts X-Wing Mission Briefing Format
XMC Lingoes Configuration
XMCD PTC Mathcad Worksheet Format
XMCDZ PTC Mathcad Compressed Worksheet Format
XMCT Mathcad Template Format
XMD GameJack Virtual CD Or DVD Image Format
XMEF TextMap Evidence Format
XMF CDRWin Virtual CD Image Format
XMG The Longest Journey XMG
XMI Miles Sound System Extended MIDI Files
XMIND XMind Workbook Format
XML XML Document Format
XML-PREV VirtualBox XML Settings Backup
XMLA XML For Analysis Source
XMLJET Eclipse JET XML Template
XMLPER LeCroy Binary Waveform Format
XMLS Microsoft Excel 2003 XML
XMLX Excel Spreadsheet
XMM 3ds Max XML Animation Map Format
XMMAP MindManager XML Map Format
XMMAS MindManager XML Theme
XMMAT MindManager XML Template
XMO Adobe Authorware Movie Driver
XMOD Datawatch Monarch Model
XMP Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform Format
XMPSES Adobe Premiere Elements
XMPZ Miradi XML Project Format
XMS Microsoft EXtended Memory Specification
XMT XMind Workbook Template
XMTA Microsoft Visual Studio XMTA Document
XMV Microsoft Xbox Video Format
XMX AutoCAD External Message Compiled
XMZ Fasttracker 2 Extended Module Format
XN Cygnus Ld-scripts
XNB XNA Game Studio Express XNA Framework Content Pipeline Binary Format
XND ExNode Download
XNF Extensible Numerical
XNK Microsoft Exchange Shortcut Format
XNP XnView Addon
XNT QuarkXPress Extension Format
XNV NVision Layout
XOB EasyBuilder 8000 Compiled Code
XOF RenderMorphics Reality Lab 3D Image Format
XOJO_PROJECT Xojo Programming Project
XOL Swiss Map Overlay Format
XOM Worms 3D Object Format
XOML Windows Workflow Format
XOP IGOR Pro Add-on
XOV RapidForm XOV 3D Inspection/Model
XP WindowBlinds Temporary Format
XP0 SecretPhotos Puzzle Graphic Image
XP2 XPilot NG
XP3 KiriKiri Package Format
XP4 KiriKiri Package
XPAC Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing For PC Game Audio Archive
XPADDERCONTROLLER Xpadder Controller Layout Format
XPB XPB! Basic Source Code
XPD XML Pipeline Document Format
XPF XProtector Project
XPG Autoplay Media Studio Exported Page
XPGT EPUB XML Stylesheet Page Template
XPI Firefox Browser Extension Format
XPJ Micro Planner X-Pert Project Format
XPK PSpice Library Format
XPKU Apple Mac OS X Universal Binary Package
XPL X-Plane Plug-in Format
XPL2 TerraExplorerPro LOD Parameter
XPM X11 Pixmap Graphic
XPNG Portable (Public) Network Graphic Bitmap
XPP X++ Source Code Format
XPR3 QuarkXpress 3.0 Mac
XPRJ Monarch XML Project
XPS XML Paper Specification Format
XPS~ WindowBlinds Temporary
XPT Mozilla Firefox Component
XPTIN Xpswmm Hydrology Data
XPW Accessible FormNet Fillable Form
XPX Intercon FormNet
XPY MarketBrowser
XP~ WindowBlinds Temporary
XQ XQuery Format
XQL XML Query Language Format
XQM XQuery Module
XQT SuperCalc Macro Spreadsheet Format
XQUERY XQuery Source Code Format
XQY XQuery Source Format
XR Cygnus Ld-scripts
XRC WxWidgets WxPython Resource
XRD Core Wars Data
XRDML PANalytical XRD Measurement Data XML
XREF IBM AIX Cross Reference
XRF WordSearch Cross Reference Format
XRFF Extensible Attribute-Relation File Format
XRL PowerDesigner Report
XRM-MS Microsoft Security Certificate
XRNS Extended Renoise Song Format
XRP RationalPlan Format
XRS Dig It! Game
XRX Expression Encoder Media Profile Settings
XRY XRY Data Format
XS Age Of Empires 3 Map AI Generator Format
XS4 XESS Worksheet
XS5 XESS Worksheet
XSB XACT Sound Bank
XSC Microsoft Visual Studio XSC Format
XSD XML Schema Description Format
XSF Microsoft Office InfoPath Format
XSL XML Stylesheet Format
XSLIC XenServer License Format
XSLT XSL Transform Format
XSM SimCity Societies Game
XSN Microsoft Office InfoPath Template Form Format
XSO Expresso Project
XSP XBMC Smart Playlist Format
XSPF XML Shareable Playlist Format
XSQL Oracle XSQL Servlet Server Side
XSS XML Stylesheet Format
XSSLOG Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Log
XSSR Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove
XST Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Format
XSTB TextBridge
XSTK XStarter Task
XSU Fortran 77 Library
XSVF Xilinx Serial Vector Format
XSX Microsoft Visual Studio XML Schema Layout Format
XT FastTracker Music Track Format
XTC XTrkCAD Project
XTD XML Type Definition
XTERME Winstep Extreme Theme
XTF EXtended Triton Format
XTG QuarkXpress Tags Format
XTIC ActivInspire Ticker
XTL Vietcong Game Data Format
XTM CmapTools Exported Topic Map Format
XTML XML4web Virtual HTML Document
XTMP Avid Xpress Pro Template
XTND Adobe Acrobat For Mac Plug-In
XTODVD ConvertXtoDVD Project
XTP XTreeGold Overlay
XTRA Adobe Director Xtra
XTREME Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack Format
XTRL XTND Translator
XTXT Xtext
XUI Xbox 360 Skin Format
XUL Firefox XML User Interface Language Format
XUR Xbox 360 Compiled Skin Format
XV Khoros Visualization Bitmap Image
XV0 Lattice XVL Structure Format
XV2 V-XVL Geometry
XV3 P-XVL Geometry Format
XVA Citrix Xen Virtual Appliance Format
XVCT VISE XML Project Format
XVG Grace Document
XVID XviD Codec
XVL EXtensible Virtual World Description Language Document
XVM VMware Console Configuration Format
XVMCONF World Of Tanks Configuration Format
XVO RatDVD Internal
XVU BOClean Database Format
XWB XACT Wave Bank Format
XWC Starbreeze Sound
XWD X Window Window Screen Dump Or Bitmap
XWF OmniPage Workflow Format
XWI Star Wars: X-Wing Mission
XWK Crosstalk Keyboard Mapping Format
XWM The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Music
XWMA XWMA Audio Compression Format
XWMV Microsoft Windows Media
XWP Xerox Writer Document
XWS Xara Webstyle Format
XX XXEncoded Format
XXD Brixx Planner Calendar Format
XXE XXEncoded Format
XXX Compucon/Singer PSW Embroidery Design Format
XY XyWrite Document
XY3 XYWrite III Document
XYP XY Write III Plus Document
XYS XYplorer Script Format
XYW XYWrite For Windows 3x/4.0 Document
XYZ Molecule Specification Format
XYZE Radiance Map
XYZI 3rdTech Scanner
XYZRGB 3rdTech XYZ RGB Graphic
XYZV Celestia Sampled Trajectory Format
XZ XZ Utils Compressed Archive
XZFX ZipLogix ZipForm Format
XZM Slackware Linux Package
X_B Parasolid Document Format
X_T Parasolid File Format