
アルファベット順のリスト - B


B IBM Lotus Applause Batch List Format
B!K Microsoft Flight Simulator Scenery
B&W Bitmap Image
B00 Blindwrite
B01 BlindWrite Image
B02 BlindWrite Image
B1 B1 Compressed Archive
B16 PCO Image
B2 Progress Database
B24 Ovation Pro For RISC OS C Script
B25 Ovation Pro For RISC OS DDL
B26 Ovation Pro For RISC OS Style Sheet
B27 Ovation Pro For RISC OS Document
B2A Binary To ASCII (BTOA) Encoded Format
B2D Brutus2D Source Code
B2F RISC OS Windows Metafile
B30 Ventura Publisher Printer Font
B3D BodyPaint 3D Format
B3P Native Instruments Battery Preset
B4S Winamp 3 Playlist Format
B4U Visual ReadMe
B5 MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary
B5I BlindWrite Image Format
B5L BlindWrite Image
B5T BlindWrite Image Format
B60 RISC OS PNG Bitmap Image
B64 ASCIIi Base64 MIME Encoded Archive Format
B6I BlindWrite Image Format
B6L Blindwrite License
B6T BlindWrite Table Of Contents Format
BA Scifer Archive External Archive Format
BA1 Microsoft Windows Media Center Report Log
BABL DeBabelizer
BAC Backup Plus Backup Format
BACK RMCProfile Coefficient
BACKUP Backup Of Current ISAPI Application
BACKUPDB Apple Time Machine Backup Folder Format
BAD Microsoft Exchange Badmail Format
BADONGO Badongo Information Service
BAF Battlefield 2 Animation
BAFL BurnAware Free Compilation Format
BAG PMMail Mail Index
BAK Backup Plus Backup Format
BAK2 Microsoft FrontPage
BAK3 Crysis Backup
BAK~ AbiWord Auto-saved Document Format
BAL Borland Programming Language Source Code
BAM Bobs Adlib Music
BAMBOOPAPER Bamboo Document
BAMP Easy Button & Menu Maker Project
BAN MegaHAL Non-keyword List
BAND GarageBand Music Project Format
BAP Blaze RipEditBurn Audio Wave Information Format
BAR Age Of Empires / Age Of Mythology Game Format
BAS Basic Source Code Format
BASEBINARY Apple Mac OS X AirPort Base Station Binary
BASECONFIG AirPort Utility Setting
BASEPROJ DNA Baser Sequence Aligner Project
BASERPROJ DNA Baser Project Format
BASEX BaseX Data Format
BASH Unix Shell Script (bash)
BASHRC Bash Shell Startup Script Configuration Format
BASH_HISTORY Bash History Format
BASH_LOGIN Unix Shell Script (bash)
BASH_LOGOUT Unix Shell Script (bash)
BASH_PROFILE Bash Interactive Login Shell Format
BASIN HEC-HMS Basin Model Settings
BAT Batch File (executable)
BATCH Switchball Game Data
BAU OpenOffice.org Configuration Format
BAV AVG Bat! Plugin Format
BAW BrainLED AlfaWave Session
BAY Kodak/Roper Bayer Picture Sequence Format
BAZ Acomba Accounting Suite Backup
BA_ Renamed BAT Format
BB Blitz Basic Source Code Format
BB2 XBBS-OS/2, XGROUP, AV, ZTree Archiver Control
BB3 BlasterBall 3 Level Format
BBA BlueByte Archive
BBB BlackBerry Backup (post 2012) Format
BBCD BobCAD-CAM Document
BBE MindGenius Brainbloom
BBF ScriptBasic Binary
BBFW ITunes Firmware
BBG CyberSports For Basketball Game
BBI LinkOne Data
BBK TreePad Backup
BBL TeX/BibTeX Bibliographic Reference Format
BBLM Mario Kart Mod Effect Format
BBLX E-Sword Bible
BBPROJECT BBEdit Project Format
BBPROJECTD BBEdit Project Format
BBRKSAVE Puzzle Started Status
BBS Bulletin Board System Text Format
BBT BTwin Local Database
BBTL BBEdit Tool Palette
BBW Band-in-a-Box Nterface
BBX BrainBox Neural Network
BBZ BeBuzz Backup Format
BC Bittorrent Unfinished Download Format
BC! Bittorrent Unfinished Download Format
BC5 Impression Document
BC6 Cashflow Manager 2006 Backup
BC7 Cashflow Manager 2007 Backup
BCA Allplan Backup Catalog
BCB Borland C++ Builder
BCC Borland C++ Format/makefile
BCD Microsoft Windows Boot Configuration Format
BCF Business Card Designer Pro Business Card Design Format
BCH Datalex Entrypoint 90 Data
BCI Belarc Advisor Computer Profile Report
BCK VMX Backup Format
BCKP Ad-Aware Quarantined Format
BCL Illumina CASAVA Base Call Format
BCM Business Contact Manager Format
BCMX Microsoft Outlook Business Contact Manager Customization Format
BCN Business Card Design
BCP Borland C++ Makefile
BCR Map&guide Station List
BCS Boland Calibration Settings Format
BCT Adobe Bridge Cache Format
BCW Borland C++ Workspace
BCX Beam Report Standard Definition
BD BenDaglish Audio
BD1 Map Block Location
BD2 Lacerte Tax Tax
BDAE Gameloft Game Data Format
BDB Microsoft Works Database Backup Format
BDB2 BrainMaster Settings
BDC Lingvo Dictionary Format
BDCM Microsoft Visual Studio BDC Model
BDCR Microsoft Visual Studio BDC Resource
BDCT BBEdit Dictionary
BDD CARA Sound Radiation Data Format
BDE Pro/ENGINEER Temporary
BDF Bdiff Bupdate Binary Update Format
BDG Badge Designer 2000 Photo ID
BDH Silk Performer Include
BDI Pro/ENGINEER Temporary
BDIC Google Chrome Dictionary Format
BDJO Java BD-J Object Descriptor
BDK OS/2 Floppy Disk Image
BDL CoCreate Designer Bundle Format
BDM AVHCD Video Information Or Index Format
BDMV Blu-ray Information Format
BDOC DigiDoc Client Container
BDOF Mario Kart Mod Effect
BDP Microsoft Exchange Diagnostic Message
BDR Microsoft Publisher Border Format
BDS Cadcorp SIS Base Dataset
BDSGROUP BDS Project Group
BDSPROJ BDS Project Format
BDT Lingvo Dictionary
BDT2 BEEDOCS Timeline 3D Timeline Document Format
BDT3 BEEDOCS Timeline 3D Timeline Document Format
BDTD Java Sun Binary DTD
BDTP BaiduPlayer Media
BDV BitDefender Vault
BDW Budget Data
BDX BitDefender
BDY DMAP Boundary
BEA Beamer Song
BEAM Compiled Erlang Code Format
BEAN Bean Document Format
BEB EEC Analyzer
BED UCSC BED Annotation Track Format
BEE Bee Archiver Compressed Archive
BEH CRiSP Calibration
BEJEWELED2DELUXESAVEDGAME Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Save Game Format
BEK Shanda Bambook E-book
BEL Belon Compressed Archive
BEN SiSoftware Sandra
BEP Beamer Playlist
BES MOBY Database
BET BETA Source Format
BEVEL FontTwister Bevel
BEX BOOM Extensions To Dehacked
BEXPK PGP Binary Extracted Public Key
BF Beyond Good & Evil Game Archive Format
BFA Blowfish-encrypted Format
BFB Zoo Tycoon 2 Game Model
BFC Microsoft Windows 95 Briefcase Document Format
BFD Linux BFD Rules Configuration
BFE Bcrypt - BlowFish File Encryption
BFF AIX Backup Format
BFFM B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th Game
BFG Mario Kart Mod Effect Format
BFI Blaise Index
BFL Colin McRae Rally 2 Game
BFLI BFLI Image Format
BFM Terminal Reality Model Format
BFMV BfMeshView Workspace
BFONT Need For Speed SHIFT Font
BFP Benchmark Factory Project
BFR Network Instruments Observer
BFS SmartWare Backup Sort Definition Format
BFT SmartWare Backup Transaction Definition
BFW SmartWare Backup Cross-tab
BFX Bitware BitFax Format
BGA OS/2 Graphic Array
BGCF Greeting Card Design
BGD ESRI Binary Raster Definition
BGEO Houdini Binary Geometry Format
BGF ZEMAX Binary Glass Catalog
BGI BGInfo Configuration Format
BGL Microsoft Flight Simulator Scenery Data Format
BGM Basic4GL 3D Object
BGO Bigoven Recipe Card
BGR Girder Binary Plugin
BGT Graphic Accounts Account Data Format
BGV BonanzaGraf Financial Presentation
BGW Final Fantasy Music
BGZ Blood Frontier Map Format
BH ZipTV BlakHole Archive File Format
BH3 Rise Of Nations Unit Graphic
BHA Rise Of Nations Unit Graphic
BHF PcAnywhere Host
BHO Behold Settings Format
BHP BHP Survey Tool Data
BHS Rise Of Nations Script
BHX BinHex Compressed File ASCII Archive
BI Microsoft Visual Basic For DOS Include
BI? LoseThos Binary Executable
BIB BibTeX Document Format
BIBTEX BibTeX Document
BIC Civilization III Game Scenario Format
BID BidMaker
BIDULE Plogue Bidule Sound Layout Format
BIF TomTom Navigator General Info Format
BIFX Get Backup Project
BIG Electronic Arts Game Resource Package Format
BIK BINK Video Format
BIKEY Bohemia Interactive Key
BIL ArcView Band Interleaved By Line Image Format
BIM Bytessence InstallMaker Project Format
BIMD Blue Ink Meta-data Export
BIMX ArchiCAD BIMx 3D Scene
BIN CD/DVD Binary Image Format
BINA Microsoft Word 5 For Mac Document
BINARYCOOKIES Safari Browser Cookies Package
BINUI Call Of Juarez Game Menu
BIO OS/2 BIOS Format
BIOEXCESS MyWinLocker Protected
BIONIX Bionix Wallpaper List Format
BIOT BiotSavart Magnetic Design
BIP Character Studio Biped Format
BIQ Civilization 3 Scenario Format
BIT Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Bitstream Format
BITCFG Passmark Configuration
BITMAP X Window System Bitmap Image
BITPIM BitPim Configuration Format
BIX Civilization III Scenario Format
BIZ Print Shop Business Card Format
BIZDOCUMENT Actuate BusinessReport Studio Document
BJF NTI Backup Now Related
BJK Blaise
BJO Instrument Tablature Format
BK Adobe FrameMaker Book Format
BK! Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BK0 Aspen HYSYS Backup
BK1 Autodesk AutoCAD Backup Format
BK2 Windows Indexing Service Data Format
BK3 Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BK4 Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BK5 Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BK6 Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BK7 Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BK8 Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BK9 Corel WordPerfect Document Backup
BKB VariCAD Drawing
BKC Backup4all Catalog Format
BKD Book Library Local Dos Exploit
BKF Microsoft Backup Format
BKG UWXAFS Project Binary Format Data
BKI IBM BookManager Backup Index
BKK BookBuddi EBook Format
BKMK Yummy FTP Bookmark Format
BKO Wisco Backup Outlook Backup
BKP Backup Plus Backup Format
BKR ReplaceEm File Set
BKS Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Document Backup Format
BKU Timeslips Backup
BKUP Backup Plus Backup Format
BKW FontEdit Image
BKY Bookkey Bookmark/keyword Data
BKZ FileFort Backup
BLA Adobe Black Colour Separation
BLACKHAWKSTRIKER2 Blackhawk Striker 2 Saved Game
BLASTERBALL3SAVEDGAME Blasterball 3 Save Game Format
BLB Blob Format
BLD MegaPaint Picture Image Format
BLEND Blender 3D Data Format
BLEND1 Blender Backup Format
BLEND2 Blender Document Backup Format
BLF Microsoft Windows Vista And Windows 7 Registry Format
BLG Microsoft Windows Binary Performance Log Format
BLI Thomson Speedtouch Series WLAN Router Firmware Format
BLIGHT Mario Kart Mod Effect
BLK AutoCAD Block Template Format
BLKRT Block Artist Image Format
BLL Borland Delphi Localization Information
BLM Eurolink Comma Separated Value
BLN Golden Software Blanking File Format
BLOB Steam Client Registry Format
BLOGTHIS Microsoft Windows Writer BlogThis Data Format
BLP Blizzard Game Texture Format
BLS Blockland Saved Game
BLT AIM AOL Instant Messenger Saved Buddy List
BLU FileMaker Pro Runtime Extension Format
BLUE EVE Online Texture
BLUEBUTTON VA Blue Button Text
BLV Might And Magic 6/7 Dungeon Level Geometry
BLW Adobe Photoshop Black And White Presets Format
BLX Magellan MapSend Map Data
BLY FIFA World Cup Game Data Fe Art Load Game
BLZ Nokia N-Gage Game Format
BM X Windows System Bitmap Image
BM2 Subspace/Continuum Bitmap Graphic Format
BM3 Sony Ericsson Backup Format
BMA Compressed Archive
BMB Pro/ENGINEER Temporary
BMC Microsoft Terminal Server Client Bitmap Cache Format
BMD Nintendo GameCube 3D Model Format
BMD5 BookmarkingDaemon
BME Konami Beatmania Music Simulator Format
BMF Corel Gallery Binary Material Format
BMG Mario Kart Wii Message Format
BMI 3D Studio Max Plugin
BMK Bookmark Format
BML Bean Markup Language Format
BMM Tacmi Pixia Palette
BMML Balsamiq Mockups Graphic
BMP Standard Windows Bitmap Image (also OS/2)
BMP24 Bitmap Graphic
BMPENX Encrypted BMP
BMQ Re-Volt Texture
BMS Beatmania Music Simulator Format
BMT Alpha Five Image Library
BMU BioWare Music Unit
BMW W32/Liji-A Virus
BMX Siemens Mobile Phone Animation Format
BMZ Compressed Bitmap Format
BN4 Yamaha DX100 Voice
BNA Atlas Boundary Format
BNC Bojanov Encryptor Encrypted
BND Neighbours From Hell Game Archive
BNDL Bundle File Format
BNF IBM Voice Type Languages Map
BNG Bingo Maker Bingo Data Template Format
BNHQ BinHex Archive
BNI Blizzard Battle.Net Icon
BNK Test Drive Unlimited Game Data Format
BNL MicroSim PCBoard Netlist
BNP Sony HD Camera System Format
BNR Nintento Wii Homebrew
BNS Portal Script Format
BNT Entropia Universe Game Archive
BNY Binary Ll Format
BNZ Bingo Maker Bingo Template Or Bingo List Update Format
BOB BOB Raytracer Bitmap Image
BOBO ClarisWorks
BOBTHEBUILDERSAVEDGAME Bob The Builder: Can Do Zoo Save Game
BOC E-Press EasyWord Big Document Format
BOCHSRC Bochs Configuration
BOD X3 Reunion Ship
BOE Microsoft Outlook Express Backup
BOF IBM Voice Type Languages Tasks Enroll
BOH Europa Universallis 2 Game Data
BOK TestGen Test Bank Format
BOL Mario Kart Course Setup
BOM Apple Mac OS X Bill Of Materials Format
BONDS Ribbons Bonds
BONK Bonk Audio Format
BOO Microsoft Booasm.arc Encoded File Archive
BOOK Adobe FrameMaker Book Format
BOOKEXPORT Booksmart Export Format
BOOKTEMPLATE IBooks Author Book Template Format
BOOT InstallShield Format
BOOTEFISIGNATURE Bootefisignature Mac OS X System
BOOTSKIN Microsoft Windows Boot Skin
BOOTSTRAP Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Bootstrap
BORLAND Borland C Makefile
BOS Fallout Tactics Game Archive
BOT Robot Arena Game
BOX FoxMail E-mail Box
BOX3D Box Shot 3D Project
BOXER Boxer For Mac Game Archive
BOZ Bzip Compressed Archive
BP DataFlex Business Process Object
BP0 SmartWare Backup Project
BP1 Smartware Backup Document
BP2 Autodesk AutoCAD Batch Plot Format
BP3 Autedesk AutoCAD Batch Plot Format
BP4 SmartWare Backup Project
BPA StorageSync Backup Archive Format
BPB PowerDesigner Business Process Backup Format
BPC BuildPro
BPD Pscript Binary PostScript Printer Description Format
BPDX Adobe Acrobat Catalog Batch PDX Format
BPF BatchPhoto Profile Format
BPG Delphi Project Group Format
BPI IBM Voice Type Languages New User
BPJ Boxsim Simulation
BPK Nero SecurDisc Public Key Format
BPKEY Blender Publisher License Key
BPL Delphi Packed Library Format
BPM Battle Planner Module Format
BPMC Bizagi Process Modeler
BPMN Avantage Template
BPN ArchiCAD Backup Format
BPNUEB Payame Noor University (PNU) E-book Format
BPO DataFlex Business Process Object
BPP Clarion Backup Application
BPR Borland C++ Builder XML Project Format
BPS Microsoft Works Document Backup Format
BPSD Backup Plus
BPT CorelDRAW Bitmap Master
BPV BallPark Business Valuation Valuation Scenario
BPW ArcView World File For Bip Or Bmp Images
BPX Truevision TarGA Bitmap Image
BPZ Easy Blue Print Library
BQF Backdoor.Win32.Ciadoor.bqf Trojan
BQW ArcView World
BQY BrioQuery Database Format
BR Omnis Data
BR1 Total Commander Cached Button Bar Icons
BR2 Total Commander Cached Button Bar Icons
BR3 Bryce 3D Scene Format
BR4 Bryce 4 Scene Format
BR5 Bryce 5 Scene Format
BR6 Bryce 6 Scene Format
BR7 Bryce 7 Scene Format
BRA Linux
BRAGG Bragg Profile
BRAIN PersonalBrain Mind Map Format
BRASD Mario Kart Mod
BRB Bryce Object Export
BRC Bryce 2 Scene
BRD EAGLE Circuit Board Format
BRE Breuckmann Scanner
BREFF Mario Kart Wii Animated Graphic
BREFT Mario Kart Wii Animated Graphic
BREP 3D Model
BREW Homebrew
BRF Braille Format
BRFNT Mario Kart Wii Font
BRG Age Of Mythology 3D Game Model Format
BRH Baraha
BRI Bryce Plug-in Format
BRIDGECACHE Adobe Bridge Cache
BRIDGECACHET Adobe Bridge Cache
BRIDGESORT Adobe Bridge Cabinet
BRIDGESUPPORT Bridgesupport Mac OS X File Extension
BRK Brooktrout Fax Format
BRLYT Nintendo Wii Texture Settings Format
BRM Bryce Plug-in Format
BRN BrainStorm Data Format
BRO Tree Professional Broadleaf Creator Format
BROGUESAVE Brogue Saved Game
BROWSER ASP.NET Browser Definition Format
BRP Tree Professional Broadleaf Creator Image
BRPX E-sword Bible Reading Plan
BRRES Wii BRRES Resource Package
BRS Adobe RoboHelp Browse Sequence Format
BRSAR Audio Format
BRSTM Audio Format
BRT Booria Carpet Designer Robotuft Project
BRU Brutus Restore
BRV BraveViewer Thumbnail Cache
BRW PointCentral Financial Institutions Loan Format
BRX BREW MP Application Resource Format
BRY2 Bryce 2
BS Printfox/Pagefox Image Format
BS1 VirtualBus Format
BS2 BASIC Stamp 2 Code Format
BS4 Mikogo Session Video Recording Format
BS7 Windows 7 Boot Updater Boot Animation Format
BSA Bethesda Softworks Archive Format
BSAVE Quickbasic BLOAD/BSAVE Format
BSB MapInfo Sea Chart Format
BSC Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Source Browser Information Format
BSCS Balanced Scorecard Designer
BSCT Balanced Scorecard Designer Strategy
BSDF ZEMAX Scattering Distribution Data
BSDL Boundary Scan Description Language Format
BSE CRiSP Harvest
BSF AVC Blu-ray Video Format
BSH BeanShell Script Format
BSI Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 Temporary
BSK Bryce 4 Format
BSL BSPlayer Configuration
BSM Bioshock Map
BSMX BeerSmith
BSMZ Compressed BSML
BSN Autodesk TR-55 Detention Basin Storage Data
BSP Quake 2 Map Format
BSPR Need For Speed SHIFT Track Map
BSPROJ Banned Story Project
BSQ BinScii Binary Archivne
BSR Bacula Restore
BSS Resident Evil Background Images Format
BST BiblioTex Format
BSV Bluespec System Verilog
BSW Business Scorecard Manager Workspace
BSWX Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server Database
BSX PBASIC Preprocessor Output
BSY VTrain Learning Cardfile
BSZ BSplayer Compressed Skin
BT VTBuilder Binary Terrain Format
BT! BitSpirit Incomplete Download Format
BT0 Band-in-a-Box Temporary
BT1 Battery Analyzer Test
BT2 Batch Barcode Maker
BT3 Control Runner Button Configuration
BT5 ERP5 Business Template
BTAPP UTorrent Application Format
BTD Business-in-a-Box Document Format
BTF NationsBank Check Images
BTG FlightGear Scenery
BTH Bathy Recorder Data
BTI Nintendo Texture Format
BTIF NationsBank Check Image Format
BTINSTALL BitTorrent Installation Format
BTK CLwin Tekton Database
BTKEY BitTorrent License Key
BTL SolidWorks Sheet Metal Bend Table
BTM Microsoft BizTalk Map Format
BTN Just Buttons Animated Bitmap Image Format
BTO Bryce Tree Format
BTOA Binary-to-ASCII File Format
BTR Btrieve Database Format
BTREE Apple Mac OS HFS+ B-tree
BTS Creative Digital Blaster Digital VCR
BTSEARCH BitTorrent Search Engine Specification Format
BTSKIN µTorrent Skin
BTST Norton SystemWorks Info
BTT ICQ Find Users
BTU Diablo BTU Calculator
BTW BarTender Barcode Label Format
BTWSENDTO Microsoft Windows Bluetooth Related
BTX InMagic Database Term/word Index
BTY Railroad Tycoon 3 Building
BU Pegasus Mail Temporary
BUB Photobubble
BUC Adobe Photoshop Elements Backup
BUD Pscript Binary PostScript Printer Description Format
BUF Buffer Format
BUILD NAnt Build Tool
BUILDALOT2SAVEDGAME Build-a-lot 2 Save Game
BUILDALOT3SAVEDGAME Build-a-lot 3 Saved Game
BUILDER Builder Script
BUILDPATH Eclipse XML Build Path Format
BUJ Personal Backup Saved Task
BUL Bullseye Data Format
BUM Poser Bump Files Image Format
BUN CakeWalk Audio Bundle Format
BUNDLE Mac OS X Application Extension
BUNDLEDMESH Battlefield Bundled Mesh
BUP Backup Of DVD Info Format
BUR BuRg3r Source Code Format
BURN Burn For Mac OS X Document
BURNOUTPARADISESAVE Burnout Paradise Saved Profile
BURNTHEME Burn For Mac OS X Theme Document
BUS VirtualBus Bus Route Settings Format
BV1 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV2 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV3 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV4 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV5 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV6 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV7 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV8 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BV9 Corel WordPerfect Overflow
BVC IBM Voice Type Languages Newuser
BVD BitDefender Vault Format
BVH Biovision Hierarchy Animation Format
BVI IBM Voice Type Languages Newuser
BVL Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Textures
BVP Bluevoda Website Builder Format
BVR Blue Iris Video Format
BVS BVS Solitaire Collection
BVW SmartWare Backup Standard View
BVX OptiTune Install Package
BVXD OptiTune Manifest
BW Silicon Graphics Image
BW1 FMEA Database
BWA BlindWrite BWA Builder Physical CD Characteristics Format
BWC BeadWizard Color Palette
BWD Colin McRae Rally 2 Car Description
BWE Black And White 2 Environment Data
BWF Broadcast Wave File Format
BWG BrainWave Generator Format
BWI BlindWrite CD/DVD Image Format
BWM Blaise
BWP BuRg3r Web Page
BWS BlindWrite Subchannel Data Format
BWT Blindwrite Control Format
BWU Blindwrite CD Copier
BWW Bagpipe Music Writer Music Notation Format
BWZ WinImage Batch Configuration
BX Opera
BXB BasicX Compiled Project Bytecode
BXI Blaise
BXL Accelerated Designs PCB Library Format
BXM BasicX-24 Basic Express Compiler Map
BXP BasicX-24 Basic Express Compiler Module List
BXRC Configuration
BXU PictureGear Studio
BXX BlaxxunContact Format
BXY NuFX Archive Within A Binary II Envelope
BY PSpice
BYU Movie.BYU Geometry Format
BZ BZIP Compressed File Archive
BZ1 WinTOTAL Automatic Backup
BZ2 Bzip2 Compressed File Archive
BZA Bzip2 Compressed File Archive
BZABW AbiWord Bzip2 Compressed Document Format
BZIP Bzip Compressed Archive
BZIP2 BZIP Compressed Archive Format
BZM Business Map
BZN Star Trek Armada Map
BZP2 BZIP2 Archive
BZS BlueZone Script
BZW BZFlag Map Format
BZZ BuzzBundle Project