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Lista alfabética - L

Extensões de arquivo começando com L

L Lex Language Source Format
L01 ARC Digitized Raster Graphics Format
L2L IBM Voice Type Languages Addword
L2P BM Voice Type Languages Addword
L2R Lineage II Replay
L32 Swift Line 21 Caption
L3D Black & White Graphics Format
L4D Cinema 4D Layout Settings Format
L5K RSLogix 5000
L6T Line 6 GearBox Tone Format
LA La Lossless Compressed Audio Format
LA0 LucasArts Game Data
LA1 LucasArts Game Data
LA2 LucasArts Game Data
LAA LucasArts AdLib Audio
LAB Corel WordPerfect Label Definition Format
LABY Laby Level Format
LACCDB Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Lock Format
LAD Daylon Leveller Animation Data
LAE Local Authentication Export
LAF Lingoes Appendix
LAI GNU Libtool Temporary
LAK Kashmir
LAM Netscape Media Player Streaming Audio Metafile
LAMP ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
LAN Erdas LAN Image Format
LANALYSER Novell Netware LANalyzer Trace
LAND Userland Frontier
LANG Skype Language Settings Format
LAR Liquid Audio Player Registration
LAS LIDAR Data Exchange Format
LASSO Lasso Database Driven Web Page
LASTLOGIN Minecraft User Settings Format
LATEX Latex Text Document Format
LAUNCH Zend Studio Debugger Configuration
LAV Liquid Audio Player Voucher
LAVS Liquid Audio Secured Download
LAX AnetHelpTool JavaHelp Viewer
LAY Apple DVD Studio Pro Layout Format
LAYERDIAGRAM Microsoft Visual Studio Layer Diagram
LAYOUT Apple MainStage Layout Format
LAYOUTDESIGNER QuickBooks Layout Designer Template
LB LBwin Project
LBC Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Saved Link Format
LBD Life Balance User Data
LBE Life Balance Xml-based Data Exchange
LBF Bioshock 2 Configuration
LBG DBASE IV Label Generator Data
LBI Adobe Dreamweaver Library Format
LBK VersaPro Local Logic Block Backup
LBL Database Label Format Format
LBM Interleaved Bitmap Format
LBO DBASE IV Compiled Label
LBP ProWORX Nxt Logic Pointer
LBR EAGLE Library Format
LBS Omnis Studio Application Format
LBT Visual FoxPro Additional Label Description Format
LBU Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Settings Format
LBX Visual FoxPro Main (DBF) Label Description Format
LBXCOL Libronix DLS Resource Collection
LBXDTP Libronix DLS Data Type
LBXLLS Logos Libronix 3.0
LBXOEB Libronix DLS Resource
LCB Concept2 LogCard Utility LogCard Backup Image
LCC Capture One PRO Format
LCD Abbyy Finereader Sprint Format
LCF ArchiCAD Library Container Format
LCH IBM Works For OS/2 Chart
LCI IBM Voice Type Languages Newuser
LCK Lock Format
LCL Localization
LCLW ClarisWorks Art Library
LCM Lipikar Custom Map Format
LCN Corel WordPerfect Dictionary Format
LCP FARSITE Landscape Data
LCS ACT! History
LCT Electrical Filter Design
LCX LC Model
LD Telix Long Distance Codes
LD1 DBASE Overlay
LD2 Lingoes Compiled Dictionary Format
LD4 ACCPAC Plus Menu
LDA LaserData Image Format
LDB Microsoft Access Record-Locking Information Format
LDD LEGO Digital Designer
LDF Microsoft SQL Server Log Format
LDI LDIF Address Book Interchange Format
LDIF LDIF Address Book Interchange Format
LDL Corel Paradox Delivered Library
LDM VolumeViz Multi-resolution Volume Format
LDMT Likno Drop-Down Menu Trees
LDO Nova Logic Game Loadout Text
LDP Label Designer Plus DELUXE Data
LDR LDraw Model Format
LDS Linux Compile Time Header Format
LDW Virtual Villagers Save Game Format
LDX Liquid Studio Liquid Executable Bytecode
LDZ Microsoft Visual Studio DSM Project
LE Le Mac OS X
LED Sony AIBO AIBO LED File Format
LEF LEN Exchange Format
LEGAL DaveTech Legal Document
LEI Leica SP1 Image Session
LEMON LemonShare.net Download Format
LENS Autodesk Stitcher Camera Profile
LEP Label And Envelope Designer Plus 2000
LESS LESS Style Sheet Format
LET Nuke Randomic Life Generator
LETTER Undeliverable Mail Format
LEV Worms Map
LEX Adobe Linguistic Library Data Format
LF SoftwareKey License
LFA Life Forms
LFE LFClient Document
LFF LucasFilm Format Image Format
LFM LifeForm Format
LFO Camel Audio Alchemy Preset Format
LFP IPRO View Database Format
LFS Samsung Test Picture Image Format
LFT ChiWriter Laser Printer Font
LG0 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Log
LG1 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Log Backup
LG2 HotMux Thermocouple Data Log
LGA Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGB QuickBooks Little Green Box
LGC SimpleK Database Format
LGD Windows Application Log
LGF Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGG Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGH HMI Historical Log Format
LGI Multimedia Logic Format
LGJ Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGK Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGL LeechGet Download Queue Format
LGM Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGN Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGO Logo Instructions Format
LGP Final Fantasy Game Archive Format
LGQ Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGR Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGS Microsoft Windows Application Log
LGT Urban Chaos Game
LGV Debugging Tools For Windows Logger Log
LGZ Windows Application Log
LHA LH ARC Compressed Archive
LHARC LH ARC Compressed Archive
LHR Quicken Financial Life For Mac Financial Data Format
LHS Literate Haskell Programming Language Source Code Format
LHW LHWarp Compressed Amiga Archive
LHX LineTracker Firmware Upgrade
LHZ LHA Compressed File Archive
LI3D BeLight Live Interior 3D Design Format
LIA P-CAD Schematics Library
LIB Microsoft Linker Input Library Format
LIB4D Cinema 4D Library
LIBRARY-MS Microsoft Windows 7 Library Description Format
LIC Unix Software License Format
LICENSEKEY Coriolis IPartition License Information Format
LICENSES Microsoft Visual Studio Licensed Classes Format
LICRYPT Encrypted
LICX Microsoft Visual Studio License Format
LID Quicken 2002 Deluxe Format
LIF Compressed Format Archive (CA-Clipper Installer)
LIG INet-Server
LIGHTWAVE Lightwave 3D Layered Object
LIK Trojan.Win32.Agent.lik
LILY PCSX2 LilyPad Configuration Format
LIN AutoCAD Linetype Definition
LINK Apple IPod Link Format
LINX Bridge Base Format
LIP SLIP Format Format
LIQUID Shopify Liquid Template
LIR ADI Ocelot Settings
LIS Structured Query Reporting Output Format
LISP LISP Translators Format
LIST JAR Index Format
LIT Microsoft Reader EBook Format
LITEMOD Minecraft Mod
LITTLE Mozilla Firefox Start-up Cache
LIV Living Actor Actor
LIVEREG Symantec Livereg Antivirus Session Format
LIVESUBSCRIBE Symantec Antivirus Update Catalog
LIVEUPDATE Symantec Liveupdate Format
LIX ExtendSim Library Format
LIZD BeLight Live Interior 3D Compressed Design Format
LJP Lossless JPEG Bitmap Image Format
LK# Autodesk Multi-user Coordination Lock
LKG HP-UX Configuration
LKH Worm.Generic.LKH Virus
LKO Microsoft Outlook Express
LL List & Label Preview Format
LLB LabVIEW Application Program Library Format
LLC LapLink Saved Connection
LLM Linden Lab Mesh Format
LLP VersaPro Local Logic Block
LLS Windows System
LLT Liquidity Lighthouse Transaction Format
LLV Lizard Safeguard License
LLX LabVIEW Library Backup Format
LM4 Steinberg VST Sample
LMA Learning Mobile Author (LMA) Project
LMBS Adobe Photoshop For Mac Filter
LMD Abbyy Finereader Sprint
LMF Library Mapping And Altera Data Interchange
LMG CryENGINE Locomotion Group Animation
LMH Memory Hacking Software Memory
LMK Sothink Logo Maker Logo Format
LMLPACK Kashmir 3D Link
LMP Doom Recorded Demo
LMR QuickBooks Loan Manager Data
LMS Light-O-Rama Musical Sequence Format
LMT RPG Maker 2000/2003 Map Tree
LMU RPG Maker Map Format
LMV Adobe Flash Source Code
LMX Nokia Landmark Exchange Format
LNA Xilinx ISE
LNC Football Manager Player
LND 3D Landscape Data
LNF Oyoaha Lookandfeel Interface Elements
LNG Language Definition Format
LNGX KeePaas Language
LNK Windows Shortcut Format
LNM Corel WordPerfect SGML Alias
LNP µVision Linker Input Format
LNS AVG Anti-Virus Language
LNST Adobe InDesign Format
LNT PC-lint Configuration Format
LNX Atari Lynx ROM Image Format
LNZ Petz Linez
LO Interleaf Compiled Lisp Format
LOADERBACKUP BlackBerry Backup
LOADERS GTK+ Loaders Format
LOADTEST Microsoft Visual Studio Load Test
LOC Localisation String Resource Header Format
LOCAL Delphi User-specific Project Options
LOCALSTORAGE WebKit Local Storage Data Format
LOCALSTORAGE-JOURNAL Google Chrome Rollback Journal
LOCK Lock Format
LOCK3 BlackBerry Encrypted 3GP
LOCKFILE Mac OS X Lion Property List XML Lock Format
LOCK_SYNC Synchronization Lock
LOD Homeworld Level Of Detail Format
LOF Audacity File List
LOG Log Format
LOG1 Microsoft Windows Registry Hive Log Format
LOG2 Microsoft Windows Registry Hive Log 2 Format
LOGIC Apple Logic Pro Music Project Format
LOGIKCS Apple Logic Key Commands
LOGONVISTA Stardock LogonStudio Windows Vista Logon Screen Format
LOGONXP LogonStudio Document Format
LOK W32/Rbot-WE Log
LOL Lolcode Source Format
LON Aquaterra Profile Data
LOOK SpeedGrade Look Format
LOOP Apple Soundtrack Pro
LOOV Smadav Virus Definitions Format
LOP MasterCook Layout Format
LOS Close Combat 2 Map Related
LOT LaTex Auxiliary File For List Of Tables
LOV SAP Business Objects
LOVE LÖVE Game Package Format
LO_ Microsoft System Management Server Renamed Old Log
LP Lightscape 3D Object Format
LP2 ILEAP Word Processor Document Format
LP4 36-Image Converter Encrypted Language Pack
LP7 LP7Signer Digital Signed Format
LPA LPA View Laser Particle Analyser
LPAQ8 PAQ Data Archive
LPB LaserTank Game Replay Format
LPD Lookout Protocol Driver Format
LPDB Librarian Pro Database Format
LPDF Mac OS X Localized PDF (Portable Document Format) Format
LPF Orgadata LogiKal
LPI Free Pascal Lazarus Project Information
LPK ArcGIS Layer Package Format
LPMD Las Palmeras Molecular Dynamics (LPMD) Data Format
LPP LabelPrint Project Format
LPR Homeworld
LPROJ Mac OS X Localized Project Folder Format
LPS Bryce Leaf Shape Format
LPT LogPlot Compiled Boring Log
LPU Passolo Localization Project
LPW IRIS Laserform Lforms
LPX LaTeXPiX Script
LQF LeechFTP Save Queue
LQR SQ Compressed LBR Archive
LQT Liquid Audio Liquid Digital Media Music File Format
LR Chaos Desktop Layer List
LRC Lyric Format
LRCAT Adobe Lightroom Catalog Format
LRCAT-JOURNAL Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
LRD Microsoft Money Lock
LRDATA Adobe Lightroom Preview Data
LRDB Photoshop Lightroom Database
LREC Inter-Tel Web Conference Recording Format
LRF BBeB Ebook Format
LRG Macromedia XRes Multi-resolution Bitmap
LRL SmartWare Local Resource Library
LRM Microsoft Encarta Class Server Learning Resource
LRN Apple Chess User Data
LRP IBM Works For OS/2 Report
LRPLUGIN Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Plug-in Format
LRPREV Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Index
LRS BBeB Ebook Source Format
LRSMCOL Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Settings Format
LRTEMPLATE Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preset Settings Format
LRTOOLKIT Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
LRV Low Resolution Video Format
LRWEBENGINE Lightroom Folder
LRX BBeB Ebook Format
LRY Konica Minolta Data Management Software Reference Data
LS LightWave LScript Format
LS1 Microsoft Winhelp Source
LS3 Band-in-a-Box Style Format
LS4 Lumion Exported Full Scene
LSA Lotus Designer Agent
LSAPROTOTYPE Microsoft Visual Studio Logical Datacenter Diagram Toolbox Prototype
LSC LOGO! Soft Comfort
LSD FIFA World Cup Game Data Environment Format
LSF Advanced Streaming Format
LSL Corel Paradox Format
LSLIBRARY Littlesnapper User Library Package
LSM Ziess LSM Model
LSN Microsoft Works Format
LSO Apple Logic Song Format
LSP LISP Source Code Format
LSPROJ Visual Studio LightSwitch Project
LSQ IBM Voice Type Languages Addword
LSR LANsurveyor Report Format
LSS LotusScript Source Code
LST List Text Format
LSTX E-Sword Verse List
LSU LANsurveyor Map Format
LSV Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor Visual Preference
LSW RPG Maker Saved Game Format
LSX Advanced Streaming Redirector Format
LSZ Learning Score Zip
LS_ Unix Ls Directory
LT2 Poser Light Set Format
LTA Monolith Lithtech Game Engine
LTB Amma Little Setup Builder
LTC LTC Syntactically Analyzed Text
LTCX LTC Syntactically Analyzed Text XML
LTD LivingTime Data
LTF Frogans Short-cut Format
LTG LaserTank Graphics Format
LTH Roxio Label Creator Style
LTKEY LeaderTask Key
LTL DIALux Luminaire Data
LTM IBM Lotus Forms Form
LTR Letter Format
LTS Links Email Tourney
LTT HP Library And Tape Tools Log
LTX S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game Format
LTZ Poser Compressed Light Set Format
LUA Lua Script Format
LUAC Lua Compiled Source Code
LUAR UltraDefrag Lua Report
LUCA Luca Template
LUCS Amaya Tools
LUD CARE-S InfoWorks Land Use
LUE Norton LiveUpdate Log Format
LUF Lipikar Uniform Format
LUG Game
LUM Luminous Song List
LUT XnView Lut Format
LUTX RadioRA Essentials Database Format
LUV Medieval 2 Total War
LUXB Lux Delux Map Format
LUZ Spectramap
LV6 Return To Wonderland Level
LVA Logitech Video Effects Avatar Format
LVB Outlaws Game
LVCLASS LabVIEW Class Library
LVD LabelPro Design Document
LVF Logitech Video Effects Avatar And Face Accessory
LVIVT Lvivtotoro Game Format
LVIX Lightworks Video Index
LVL Game Level Format
LVLIB LabVIEW Project Library
LVLIBP LabVIEW Packed Project Library
LVLPS LabVIEW Local Project Settings
LVM LabVIEW Measurement Format
LVP Avaya Voice Player Compressed Voice Audio
LVR Microsoft Visual Studio Environment Snapshot
LVW Livewire Document Format
LW LightWave 3D Binary
LW2 Lightwright Show Data
LW3 Lightwright Data
LW4 Lightwright 4 Show Data Format
LW5 Lightwright Show Data
LWA Lightwright Automated Action
LWAC Likno Web Accordion Builder
LWBM Likno Web Button Maker
LWC Legacy Charting Chart
LWD LotusWorks Text Document
LWF LuraWave Format Image Format
LWFN Adobe Type 1 Font
LWI Light Work Image Image Format
LWK Siemens NX Software Graphics
LWL Lightwright Printed Paperwork Formatting Instructions
LWLO LightWave Layered Object
LWM LittleWays Map
LWMW Likno Web Modal Windows Builder
LWO LightWave Object Format
LWOB LightWave 3D Object
LWP Lotus Word Pro Document Format
LWPP Live Wallpaper For Mac Desktop Theme
LWQ SWAT Lake Water Quality Input
LWS LightWave Scene Format
LWT Lightwright Attribute List
LWTB Likno Web Tabs Builder
LWTP LimeWire Theme Format
LWTT Likno Web Tooltips Builder
LWV Microsoft Linguistically Enhanced Sound Format
LWX Lightwright Database
LWZ LightWave 3D Plugin
LXA Microsoft Speech Engines Lexicon Format
LXCP LCARS X32 For Windows Color Profile Format
LXD EDictionary Reader Dictionary Data
LXF LEGO CAD Scene Format
LXFML LEGO Digital Designer XML Format
LXK COREX Lexicon Link-up
LXL Luxology Modo Single-layer Mesh Presets
LXO Luxology Modo 302 3D Drawing Format
LXSOPT Liquid XML Studio Project Settings Format
LXSPROJ Liquid XML Studio Project Format
LXV Lexar Secure II Encrypted Archive
LY LilyPond Music Score Format
LYC BestIMAGE Compressed Drawing Format
LYR ArcView Layer Format
LYS DataCAD Layer Control
LYT DESQview Format
LYX LyX Document Format
LZ LZIP Compressed Archive Format
LZC Need For Speed Undercover Game Data
LZF Autodesk 3D Studio Max Lens Effect Flare
LZH LH ARC Compressed Archive Format
LZK LoizziTimeControl Database
LZM Slax Module Format
LZMA 7-zip Compressed Format
LZMA86 Archive
LZO Lzop Archive Format
LZOP LZOP Compressed
LZP Law And Order 3: Justice Is Served Game
LZS Compressed File Archive
LZX Amiga LZX Archive Format